Sunday, December 30, 2018

Closure for 2018

Life has been a bit tough these days. Whatever it is, we must stay positive no matter what happens. Sebab Allah takkan menduga hambaNya melebihi apa yang mereka mampu. And everything happens for a reason.

InsyaAllah ada hikmah di sebalik setiap kejadian. Yang penting, kita kena sentiasa mensyukuri segala nikmat yang Allah kurniakan. Dan, sentiasa memohon kepadaNya jika kita berdepan dengan kesulitan.

Semoga tahun baru 2019 akan membawa lebih banyak kebaikan, kebahagiaan dan kegembiraan untuk kita semua, insyaAllah. Semoga Allah memberkati kehidupan kita semua dengan rezeki yang halal, kehidupan yang aman bahagia dan terlindung dari fitnah dan kejahatan manusia. Aminnnn.

Happy New Year guys :)

Saturday, July 21, 2018


Sebulan satu entri gayanya. Hi guys. Assalamualaikum. Moga - moga sihat semuanya.

Typing this in our rental house (maybe for the very last time) before we move out next week. Like after so long living in this compound, we decided to move to a new area.

Lets just recall my life in KL since the first time I came here to work in 2013. So for the first-timers like me and my friends, haruslah nervous gila to start a life in KL. Like KL kot; the capital city of Malaysia.

And we decided to start our life at this place because it was the center location for four of us; me, Farhanis, Ema and Afiqah. So we were living together until I got married in 2014.

After I got married, I moved to a new house with my boyfriend-now-husband. Believe it or not, we only moved to the next block! HAHAHA

So later my other friends got married and moved to other states with their loving husbands (Ema to Johor, and Afiqah to Terengganu). So, now its just Farhanis and me in KL. And I am still living in this same compound from 2013.

It was a big decision for us; me and my husband. Especially because this area is quite OK and near to my school. We go out at 7 in the morning and reach my school at 7.15 or 7.20 a.m. But the owner wants to sell this unit. So whatever it is, we still need to move out.

Found a house that we like so much, but honestly its quite far. Outside KL like 30km away. But for the sake of a comfortable and better life, we decided to give it a go. Fingers crossed peeps. Hoping for a better life than what we are having these days. We are grateful enough for everything that we have now, but maybe its time for us to do a 'hijrah'.

Tak plan nak duduk lama pun at this new place. Planning to apply for a transfer next year, and also looking for a house to buy. Umur dah lanjut begini, rasa nak terus settle down je. Eh gitu. Macam dah tua benar bunyinya HAHAH.

But maybe after this, I taknak dah duduk at one place for so long selagi itu bukan rumah sendiri. Penat weh nak kemas. Dah duduk rumah ni since 2014, segala harta pusaka pelbagai rupa muncul entah dari mana.

Perangai sayang barang tu memang kena buang jauh - jauh la bila kena pindah ni. Yang mana dah peram bertahun - tahun tu pejam mata je lah buang dalam tong sampah. Tak sangka diri sendiri sebenarnya ada perangai hoarder yang mentakutkan itu.

Lepas ni, berazam nak jadi manusia simple. Takde la sampai tahap minimalist kot. But I will try to make everything as minimum as possible. At the moment memang failed teruk weh. Toys Zara saja dah berkotak - kotak.

Nampak tak betapa jauhnyaa impian dan realiti daku. HAHAHAHA.

Please doakan perpindahan kami membawa seribu kebaikan ya :)

You know my name 
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