it's Friday...
very meaningful for me...
it's already the fifth...
it's fine if it just me...
i'll try to be more understanding...
i'm sorry~
back to the back...
i think this week is a tragic week for me...
some sort of it...
i fell down in sudden on Monday...
but no injury...
then i fell down once again on Tuesday...
with a big injuries on my two knees...
my baju kurung was torn...
and there's a lot of blood...i feel it but not look at it yet...
i ignored it and walk faster but it's getting hurt more and more...
i think that's the first time i was crying in front of my friends...
bcos it's hurt and i'm so scared...
when i look at it...it's totally terrible...
i asked farry to drive me back to my room to change clothes...
and clean the blood on my knees...
but it's hurt...totally hurt...i'm in pain...
after put some medicine...and change clothes...
we went back to our classes...
i just pretend that nothing happened...although some friends asked me...
i just smiled and said it's nothing...
although in the reality...i can't smile bcos it hurts too much...
i can't easily walking and it's very painful for me to climb the stairs to my room...
i admit that there's a lot of things that i was thinking about...
why....how....it happened to me....why me....and i'm scared..
but when i read PERMATA AL-JAWAHIR this morning...
i realize something...
'Manusia sering mengeluh apabila diuji Allah dengan
kesakitan, kegagalan. kekecewaan,kemiskinan dan kefakiran. Tetapi manusia tidak pernah gelisah apabila diuji dengan
kekayaan,kebahagiaan,kecukupan dalam kehidupan dan kemewahan.Itulah lumrah manusia sejagat.
berbahagialah manusia yang diuji dengan kesakitan,kegagalan,kekecewaan dan kemiskinan kerana sesungguhnya mereka di dalam golongan yang dikasihi oleh Allah. Sahabat-sahabat Rasulullah S.A.W pernah pada suatu ketika menangis apabila mereka tidak diuji oleh Allah, kerana takut mereka akan hilang kasih sayang Allah. Tetapi pada hari ini saat kita diuji...hati kita akan tertanya-tanya "
MENGAPA AKU YANG DIUJI?"Maka ingatlah firman Allah:
Apakah manusia itu mengira bahawa mereka dibiarkan sahaja mengatakan; "Kami telah beriman,"sedangkan mereka tidak diuji?Dan sesungguhnya kami telah menguji orang-orang yang sebelum mereka, maka sesungguhnya Allah mengetahui orang-orang yang benar dan sesungguhnya Dia mengetahui orang-orang yang dusta."-Surah Al-Ankabut ayat 2-3
ALHAMDULILLAH...today it's already cured...
there's still some pain but not so much like before...
sizuka is still sizuka-