Friday, November 18, 2011

exactly 8 days before leaving

Assalamualaikum & Hi :)

so yeah for those who didn't know, I'll be in Malaysia in 8 days time.NO NO.probably 7 days because our flight will departs from Auckland on 26th November, 1.35AM [NZ time] and will reach Malaysia bumi tercinta on the same day at 7.25AM [Msia time].

so how long will it take to 'fly' from Auckland to KL?
NZ cepat 5 jam dari can do the mathematics, do you?:)

so I'll start my day with nasi lemak, perhaps.but most of my friends will go for KFC since it has been ages without the yummy kentucky fried chicken and cheesy wedges.nomnom.for me it's been TWO years because I spent last summer here, in NZ while most of my friends went back to's not really a big deal because here we have CFC [Country Fried Chicken], but KFC still KFC is on my list.

so yeah.

tomorrow I'll be off from this virtual world, to Taupo with my darling friends for our last trip in New Zealand until Monday (21st Nov)oh it's my sister's birthday?

tetiba sungguh.

so take care you guys, and have a nice weekend :)
pray for our safety and happiness during this last trip :D

p/s: I haven't pack my stuffs yet.OH NOOOOOOOOOOO~

10 days + 8 days before leaving NZ tak dapat dipaparkan bersama rakan-rakan yang lain kerana:
a) 10 days before leaving NZ aku lupa bawa kamera.tapi aktiviti hari itu ialah lebih kurang dengan 11 days before BAHAHA.
b) 8 days before leaving NZ ialah hari ni.lupa bawa kamera juga KAHKAH.aktiviti biasa akulah.jalan-jalan kira ada berapa banyak kedai dekat Queen Street.ngohohoho *gelak pesen apa tah ni*

see you guys on Monday~!kalau aku tak humban diri kepenatan lepas main air HAHA.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


Assalamualaikum & Hello :)

Hi.It's been a while.I'm too happy and tired these days, keeping myself busy for these last 10 days in NZ...which makes me looks a bit like a crazy maniac.oh come on since when you're a maniac?


Hey ho ladies and gentlemen lets check this out...

siapa boleh perasan something that's related with me in this video will get a mystery gift.

jeng jeng...

okay I'm joking.



bahahaha *apa yang lawak sangat tah*

back to the story, there was this competition where we can submit as many photos/videos as we can as long as the photos/videos suits the theme which was about the future, life and something something [nampak sangat pelupa T_T]

So they [orang kuat syarikat yang buat competition ni] will choose few photos/videos yang dirasakan layak untuk dimasukkan ke dalam muzik video R U Ready by Busco *yang juga digelar Maroon 5 Malaysia [berdasarkan komen-komen di Youtube, 2011]

every owner of the photos chosen will get RM1000/each person.

who told me about this?
Mr.K who also known as my husband-to-be-insyaAllah-doa-doakan-ye :P *sempat tuh*

dari mana dia tahu pasal benda ni?
from the Nuffnang ads dalam blog girlfriend dia.LOL.

so we did sent some photos, and luckily our photos were chosen, each of us got the money *kcing kcing bunyi duit*.

so, tengok balik video tu dan tunggu credits dekat hujung video, nescaya nampaklah nama yang mungkin anda kenali.teeheee~

Alhamdulillah :)

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