Copyright 2012 FA.IZ Photography
For booking, please refer to the tab above under 'Wedding Photography'
In April, we will come out with the list of wedding packages offered by FA.IZ Photography. Currently, we are doing wedding photography based on customer's needs and budget. If you have tight budget and looking for wedding photographers, do contact us now and we will try to give you the best price. Our wedding photography service comes with FREE Outdoor Photoshoot right after the ceremony.
nice jobb! kaya la cikk zati.. belanje ! hehe..
lps ni blh tmbh 'baby' baru.. =)
cantik gambar...:)
@amy syifa: thanks.mane de kaye la.haha ktorg bt dgn harga berpatutan.tak sempat nak kaya pun.huehue.
insyaAllah kena menabung banyak sikit.
@bunga: mekasih bunga :)
teringin nak tau pakej..sajee.. haha.. mmg ambik area johor je ke?
cantik gambar gambar tu kak zati :)
keep it up FA.IZ!
@amy syifa: tunggu April.heeee.
takdelah area Johor je.setakat ni memang baru cover JB sebab belajor dkt sini.insyaAllah April nnti dekat Pahang pulak :)
@nurfarah wahidah: mekasih :D
@nurfarah wahidah: mekasih :D
Gambar² Kak Sizuka cantik laaa :D Keep it up ! :D
Cantik-cantik pic yang korang amik. InshaAllah sukses akan datang. Yang penting, terus usaha okay? Semoga berjaya. :d
boleh tak saya kata saya masuk blog ni sbb nak tgk gambar2 kak zati ambil je?? HAHA ;D
cantik sgt gambar2 ni dear :)
gambar-gambar sume cantik..
nk kawen bole booking izzati..nuahahahaha :DD
gud job zati.
wah dah jadik wedding photographer! tahniah! zati amek tempahan luar kawasan x? hehe
wah masyukkkk nih..bagus..bagus..
kalaulah akak baru nk kawen ms nih..misti akak dh amik kamu dah
@Ryna: mekasih Ryna hehe :)
@Kak Nailah: syukran jazilan kak nailah.insyaAllah aminn :)
@wanie mn: HAHA!reason accepted.ok je.hehe.
@kak nik: mekasih kak nik :)
@noreenrara: hehe boleh boleh insyaAllah :)
@cik jannah: mekasih cik jannah :)
@z.e.t.t.y: insyaAllah boleh buat luar kawasan.tapi mungkin akan wujud transportation cost disitu hehe~
@cik betty: hehehe mekasih kak.boleh je buat shoot kawin lg sekali :P
Wedding package?....nak check utk wedding adik bulan 6...and kalau dia berminat
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