Wednesday, April 15, 2009


i'm just thinking that i should start my study for final xm a.s.a.p..
i'm scared of being a failure...
and i totally don't want to be a failure...
i want to be in U.O.A!
absolutely hoping that i'll arrive there...
but before all that 'far away dreams'...
as what Ms.Nenny once said...
there's a big 'IF'...

dear SIZUKA... please start your study now... and start ur notes' making... although the presentation and drama are not done yet... just be fully prepared for the xm!!


Friday, April 10, 2009


when u look at me...
mybe u can say that i'm strong...
but the truth is...
i'm not strong enough...
but hope to ALLAH to make me stronger...
pesan Ustaz Fuad...

-seelok-eloknye kita kena banyakkan berzikir kepada Rasulullah S.A.W... ianya AFDAL supaya kita beroleh rahmat dan keberkatan dari ALLAH S.W.T... juga SYAFAAT dari Nabi Muhammad S.A.W pada Hari Akhirat kelak... dan dapat berada di dalam GEROMBOLAN Nabi Muhamad S.A.W sewaktu dibangkitkan nanti...-

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