Tuesday, January 5, 2010

boyfriend baru=p


Tajuk entri nie macam tak boley blah. Bikin suspen akak je kan.hahaha.Sila bagi tahu saya kalau ada orang yang tak excited bila dapat laptop baru...ada ke?kehkeh...buat pengetahuan korang, Compact Presario V3000 saya sudah secara rasminya digantikan dengan Compact Presario CQ40 selama lebih sebulan yang lalu. Kemana V3000 membawa diri?Dia kini sudah beralih arah kepada adik saya,angah yang study kat UiTM Segamat tu dan sangat bahagia sekarang...hakhak...saya kini setia bersama CQ40 yang sangat hensem lagi bergaya ini...hehe...tambah seronok bila CQ40 nie guna Windows 7 original...*hidung kembang kempis...banyak kelebihan berbanding V3000 yang dulu tapi tetap sayang dua2...hehe...asik puji je...meh baca yang agak ‘keji’ pulak...

Perhatian: CQ40 dibeli dari Landmark JB sebulan yang lalu sebelum saya pulang ke rumah.

yang tak seronoknya bila rupa-rupanya Microsoft Office dalam nie trial 25days...memang sakit hati tahap mendidih...sales promoter kedai tu punya la seronok promote laptop nih...’everything complete...bla bla bla...original...konfirm...harga berpatutan...semua siap install...bla bla...bagus nie dik...baik punya...(ada edit2 sket nih...tapi lebih kurang camni la).Dah nak jadi cite kan...si pembeli merangkap saya tiba2 terpukau dengan kehenseman CQ40 nie terus angguk nak beli sebab dah jatuh cinta pandang pertama...secara tibe2 jadi budak lurus bendul...hakhak...tapi takdela saya nak angkat terus kan...memang berapa kali soal pasal original ke pirate ke sampai promoter tu dah nak termuntah asik jawab soklan saya...hahaha...saya pulak bajet pandai tanya itu ini sampai dia pun dah pening nak jawab...padan muka...haha kejam gila...tak lama lepas tu mak abah pun diam je tanda setuju maka terbelilah CQ40 nih...punya seronok bawak balik hotel taknak tinggal dalam kereta takut kena curi...tak sabar nak balik rumah nih nak tengok muka CQ40 yang hensem lagi kacak. Bila dah tengok CQ40 asik mimpi pasal dia je...haha yang nie tipu...=p. First time bukak CQ40, saya check semua program yang ada siap install dalam nih..memang hensem!movie maker tip top!memang senyum lebar gila...tiba-tiba bukak Microsoft Word... suruh masukkan Product Key...ah!saya pening!mana mau cari!check rupa-rupanya ada kat bawah CQ40 nih.punya konfiden salin nombor kat kertas konon nanti senang nak key in kat Word.dengan konfiden key in ‘Product Key’ yang dia mintak.INVALID!takut mata buat silap saya key in berulang kali...bila dah lama2 tak boleh jugak memang rasa macam direbus nih...sah sah kena tipu hidup hidup...hangat hangat...panas hati tekan2 handphone call tauke kedai...sayang kredit maa tapi lagi sayang laptop...mula-mula bajet cool...okeh...cool bebeh...lama2 akak hot jugak...agak teruk tauke tu dibelasah tapi dia maintain cool...pelanggan kan...mesti hormat...last2 dia mintak maaf pasal pekerja dia yang kureng tu...paling best nak tahu dia cakap ape?dia cakap camni...’awak marah kat saya lepas nie saya kena marah dia pulak(pekerja dia)’...padan muka...sape suruh tipu... ingat budak muka suci macam saya tak tahu pape ke...lepas tu dah pening dah...mana nak cari Mic.Office ori nih...boleh pulak terlupa pasal Cik Abg sndiri...kan dia amek multimedia+pemilik installer2 terhebat...dan akhirnya...he’s my hero...kehkeh...i lap u la!*bajet sweet...=p

p/s: honeybee...ganbatte kudasai!!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

a true story of mine

this is a true story of mine.a reflection to remind myself.to share my feelings with you friends.

When I was in primary school, my family have no car.We lived at a village. So if we need to buy things and needs at the town, abah will borrow his friend's car. Abah will ride his motorbike to the friend's house, took the car and left the motorbike there.I still remember, me and angah will wait for abah under the tree beside our house,very excited. When we saw abah with the car, we'll be jumping here and there. When we back from the town, abah sent us back home with the things, sent the car to the friend's house and took the motorbike back. I can feel that abah really want to buy a car for us, so that it'll
be easier for us to go anywhere we need to. But abah's salary was only enough for the needs of our family. When I got 5As in UPSR, my mother bought me a watch cost RM20 as a present. I'm happy but I cried because I never had a watch before and it was RM20, a very big amount for me on that time. I'm the only one who got 5A's in UPSR at my school. A fact about my primary school,it was in a very rural area,only has about 60 pupils.When I was in Standard 6, there were only 9pupils in my class, all girls because there was no boys age 12 on that time, and we have only 6male teachers including the headmaster. Can you believe it?Yes.I am one of the product of a school in a rural area and I was not shame. My secondary school was SHAH PEKAN(Sekolah Sains Sultan Haji Ahmad Shah Pekan)2002-2006. It was a culture shock for me. A SBP, a school of smart boys and girls and a big school, means thats a lot of students there. I feel very uncomfortable, homesick, scared,weird and those kind of things. All SBPs offered 3foreign language to learn and our classes was according to the language that we choose. I prefer Japanese but the teacher put me in the French class.huh.Weird some more, French is not that easy. The good thing was my new friends were awesome. They thought I was unique because of my 'loghat pekan' which is extremely 'pekat'.haha.One thing,I cried once in my class.It was during my Form 1.Guess what,I was one of the shortest students on that time and now I am one of the highest girl in my class or shoud I say the highest?=p.Back to the story.It was when one of my teacher asked us to buy a book.All students have it except for me.I don't have money so I can't buy it. I told the teacher.Suddenly he took out RM2 from his pocket and gave it to me.He told me to buy the book using the money.Can you imagine how do I feel on that time?Sad, clueless. It was me.YES.and this is my story.
Sesungguhnya Allah itu Maha Besar,Maha Pemurah lagi Maha Penyayang.
Now everything has turn out to be better than before. Alhamdulillah.

I was very glad that you have read this story of mine till the end.Thanks.
Please ignore the grammatical mistakes.Please.Please.Please.
Have a good day!
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