Me? I'm a complicated-minded person. Dalam bahasa lainnya, warna-warni penawar hidupku. Bahana racunan dari negara Korea Selatan, merah jambu dan biru menjadi pilihan. Kengkononnya nak sweet mweet macam dalam rancangan 'We Got Married' yang terulung itu. Dari bujang dulu asyik berangan...OK nanti dah kahwin nak buat sweet sweet cenggini jugak lah hiks!
Husband is my biggest opponent. Even sebelum kahwin dia dah cakap dia tak mahu barang mini berwarna-warni di dalam rumah. Lets make everything simple. So this-complicated-minded-lady-and-sweet-plus-cute-wife-wannabe cannot sit properly.
I really want to own those colourful pots, plates and bowls and all. I love to see how they manage to blend in so well together!Yellow, blue, green, pink, purple et cetera. My kitchen will be so pretty! But husband said NO NO NO it'll be so messy in the kitchen with all sorts of colours. Lets go for white shall we? Or other basic colours. At the end of the day, we just settled down with the wedding gifts. NO NEED TO BUY SAVE MONEY SOME MORE. We got plates, pots, cups, pans and all other kitchen things. So, problem solved. Both parties agreed.
But I cannot sit down, yet. I need to have my favourite things in my kitchen! So after few interrogations with husband, I managed to sneak in few cheesy things into the house. Ataupun boleh kata, few cheesy things managed to sneak in our house.
We got these two-super-adorable-mugs from the Home Deco Fair, KLCC. Longgggggg way before the wedding. Kengkonon preparation for married life. Huehue.
These two were bought randomly at Tesco. Husband wanted them. Tetiba. Terperanjat bini. Terus ambil tanpa banyak soal. Bimbang nanti disuruh letak semula AHAHA.
My favourite bowls-of-all-time from TESCO. Banyak gunanya uols. So I bought two; one pink and one blue. Kononnya pink for me and blue for hubs. Chopsticks with polkadots were bought 2 years ago at New Zealand. Hamek kau lama gila simpan buat pekasam.
Aprons. Bought at GM Klang ketika fefeeling mengada-ngada. Yang biru tu takde kaitan dengan Frozen.
Juga produk dari GM Klang. Tak boleh lah tengok bebarang comel macam nih. Rasa bersalah kalau tak beli.
Waktu-waktu cuti sekolah begini, kalau bukan tidur ataupun menonton RunningMan mahupun Return Of Superman, aku online sajalah kerjanya. Mungkin sebab tu rancak sikit update blog semenjak dua menjak nih. Terima kasih TM di atas tajaan unifi yang aku bayor sendiri setiap bulan.
Haritu masa birthday suami, kengkononnya nak buat surprise lah kat dia. Tapi dek kerana terlalu ambitious, 50% plan je menjadi. Suami balik awal ada urusan kena dibuat dari rumah. Kelam kabut aku pam belon sampai merah tangan BAHAHA. Aku pula memang dasar penakut belon, bayangkanlah pam belon sambil tertutup-tutup mata. Adoi.
Pemandangan dari rumah. Inilah yang aku hadap siang malam siang malam. Kot ada siapa-siapa pergi KLCC tu cuba jenguk ikut tingkap kot kot nampak rumah aku.
Macam makin mengarut je post aku nih. Macam kena tidur je nih. HAHA.