Friday, August 22, 2014


22/8/2014 - Semoga roh mangsa-mangsa tragedi MH17 dirahmati dan diletakkan di kalangan orang-orang yang beriman. Al-Fatihah. 
Ucapan takziah kepada keluarga dan sanak-saudara mangsa. 

Tertinggal 3 hari punya post. Kemanakah pergi semangat berblog yang muncul minggu lalu? Sudahkah pudar? Tidak pudar, cuma tenagaku yang kian pudar. Kanak-kanak menghadapi peperiksaan, aku yang gundah gulana. Setiba kertas exam depan mata, berpinar mata. Apakah yang dikau tulis ini wahai anak? 

Aku pening menghadap kertas. Pening bagaimana hendak memberi markah. Tekakku rasa berpasir, bahana brainwash kanak-kanak sebelum peperiksaan kononnya mengharap keputusan gemilang. Bahasa senang : aku diserang gatal tekak. Tidak sakit, cuma gatal. Tidak selesa. Suara bak halilintar masih ada, cuma diselang batuk dan serak sekali sekala. 

Aku berasa bahang keputusan yang merudum. Jadi, aku tidak mengharap. Tak mengapalah, hanya ujian formatif. Bagi markah rendah pun tak apa. Kasi can bertaubat. Tiada markah kasihan. 

Sudahlah penat mengawal disiplin ketika berhimpun, berlegar-legar di kantin memujuk kanak-kanak yang menangis bahana gurauan rakan pula. Kerja begini memang bermacam-macam. Ada ketika aku jadi polis, ada ketika aku jadi baby sitter. Esok, aku kena pergi tunjuk muka. Ada program Tahun 6. K akan setel rumah sendirian. Bersabarlah, sayang. (Ewah) 

Lampu di rumah sewa bujang kami berkedip-kedip. Sedang melayan ketampanan Zill Faezrul, lampu beraksi lip lap lip lap. Sungguh tidak menyenangkan. Wireman datang check tapi tiada apa. Motip sangat. 

Penceritaan aku berbaur rojak; bercampur-aduk. Pohon diabaikan. Tak lama dah nak kahwin, perlu kah aku belajar buat rojak? (Tetiba) 

Monday, August 18, 2014


I wasn't in my deepest sleep last night. My brain was working all night long...thinking so much about what to buy for the house (housewife-wannabe-alert). On the other side, K is so cool about it. 

Just so you know, whenever my feeling is in a state of between calm and excited, I SMS. But when I'm in a state of being-too-excited-I-should-buy-this-now, I CALL. 
Me : I went to Giant today and I saw all these cabinets and all ohmygosh they'll fit the house perfectly for sure!

K : Calm down. Lets go to Ikea this weekend, shall we? We'll go and look for it together. 

Me : But these are....*krik*krik* 

K : Please don't buy anything, yet.

Me : Well...I bought floor and toilet cleaner, brushes, sponges, air freshners, napkins, garbage plastics and towels. So thank you, me. 

K wants everything to be good - according to his standard. From painting the wall to buying the furnitures. I like to buy everything that I think might be needed (yeah) but sometimes it stays at one place for a longgggg time. By the time I discover it, I will be very amazed. 

'oh my I forgot I bought these long time ago!' - this is so me. 

So I ended up with lots and lots and lots of hidden treasures. I liked home deco items when I was in NZ (2010-2011)- very simple yet irresistable. And few weeks ago, I discovered a bag full of home deco items from NZ. WHAT A WONDER-EPICFUL MOMENT. 

Did I bought this? When did I bought that? Oh gosh what is this I never see it before? Wowwwwwwwww this is soooo cute. Oh myyyyyyyyyyy. Waaaaaa. ( It was an-oww-aww-wow-and-waaaa moment) 

K wants to make everything as simple as possible, yet practical. He lovessssss white. And black. And all the sophisticated colours. Me? I loveeee small-and-very-tiny-yet-super-cute-things. I love pink, purple, green, yellow and other colours. I love colourful surroundings (thus, this career :P).

* I secretly bought two soup bowls - a blue and a pink to match the chopsticks I bought at NZ in 2011 (also in blue and pink) * 

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