Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Last day of school - Semester 1

Today is the last day of school. We had Teachers' Day celebration with the theme of Liga Malaysia : WE WORE FOOTBALL JERSEYS! It was so much fun with sukaneka and all, bola baling berkain batik and futsal berkain pelikat. We had fun laughing and playing and throwing water balloons randomly. 


Then we had the in-hall-ceremony, with all the performances and prize-giving-ceremony. And there were awards for teachers; Guru Garang Tapi Sayang, Guru Comel, Guru Kelakar and Guru Mesra. All pupils voted for that. I got the Guru Mesra awards, I think it is due to my talkativeness and hyperactiveness, and jumping around and laughing so much and playing all the time. I can talk to everyone in school, the kids I mean. Although I'm not teaching them, but I can talk to them for hours. Crazy, yes. I treat the kids as my baby brothers and sisters. Because my real baby brother is still in primary school (although this year is his final year in primary school). 

Got maaaaanyyy presents from the little darlings. I was surrounded by kids giving me presents my hands were full I put them on chairs. The chairs were full too the presents keep dropping on the floor. Thanks to Ijat, Ali, Amirul, Hassan, Emir and Dinie for helping me with the presents. They brought all the presents to my car and filled up my boot. Phew, what a day! The kids made me smile to ears all day :) 

I'll be missing them, this school holiday. I'll miss their cheeky naughty faces, annoying voices and silly jokes. I'll miss everything about them. I'll miss the school, too. But yeah, I shall enjoy the holiday without thinking about my workloads. Three weeks from now, it will be the Sports Day. Expect sunburn and selekehness. Well I'm wishing for fatburn BAHAHA. 

Going back to home sweet home tomorrow, can't wait to see everyone and show off the presents HAHAHA.

And I am really excited for this holiday....

My partner in crime, Fareha is getting married in 6 days!!

(starts packing) 

Friday, May 23, 2014



A boy cried..when I asked him why he was fighting in class.he is the monitor of the 4th class, good looking, playful, not performing very well in studies, toooo boyish (enjoys fighting,kicking,punching,poking,teasing and all), love to joke around and tease me using my big bright pink pencil box. Before this I used to shout when they fought in class (VERY LOUD i tell you). But today I decide not to shout. I talked to him personally, softly. Then he started crying. I WAS SPEECHLESS. He didn't answer any of my questions. Those teary eyes from one of the taiko in class. I was stunned for few seconds. Then I wiped his tears, calmed him down (because he was angry), and told him that it was okay to be angry but without kicking or punching or fighting. He went back to his seat and covered his face using his arms (like what we used to do when we sleep in class. I know everyone knows how HAHA). 

Well, I wonder what was in his mind. When he was crying in front of me. And when he was back to his seat. Underneath those arms. What was he thinking. 

He gave me an oat choco yesterday. Bukan bagi direct pun sebab egocentric tebal lagi dia ni. He showed me the oat choco and put it in my big bright pink pencil box. Just like that. 

And yesterday, he undirectly said that his favourite subject is English. 

Another boy, from my 1st class. School prefect, good looking, wealthy family background, performing very well in studies and sports, playful, a joker and attention seeker during my lesson ONLY according to his friends. I gave the kids a chance to have a look at their test papers and marks. Called them individually and showed their paper 2. This boy, I showed him the paper and the mistakes he made. And there was this face of disappointment that I rarely seen. It was a bitter smile. Seriously I didn't know how to react to that I kept repeating the same sentences to calm him down telling that his mark was okay. I was afraid he might cry anytime soon...but no. He didn't. 

Well, I was his homeroom teacher last year and this year I am teaching him and I think he (and few other boys) are having so much fun teasing me and acting like my little brothers all the timeeeee and yeah. This boy is one of the kids that were crazy about my chipsmore last time (if you read that post). FYI, he is performing well in English but he likes to pretend that he's not. He's the top scorer in asking-so-many-questions department. Just because...well I don't really know the reason. And just as note for the future (if this blog is still here in 10 years time), he is renting my pencil at the moment. It is my pencil but he wants to use it he pretend not to see me when he is writing. It's not that he can't afford that type of pencil. He can buy 10 of them if he wants! But I don't know. It's just a plain blue mechanical pencil that cost me RM5. 

He NEVER said anything nice to me. I mean...like the other kids do. Like 'miss ni best','miss baik','miss comel sangat saya suka miss' whatever whatever whatever. He's like ugh-i-dont-care. VEGHI EGO. 

I want to know his thoughts behind all his actions, very badly. 

I wonder why I am writing about these two boys now. I am supposed to sleep just now but ended up spending half an hour writing about these two. They made me think so much I can't sleep peacefully. Ugh. Stop thinking, brain. Go to the dreamland, now. 

I wish I have a sixth sense - the ability to read kids' minds. 

Thursday, April 24, 2014

My April

Satu post sebulan, OK lah whatttt.


Sebelum Mei memunculkan diri, aku harus memanfaatkan bulan April yang tak akan kunjung tiba lagi. ewah ayat. Bukan apa, sebagai kenangan hari tua. Supaya nanti nanti kemudian hari aku boleh fefeeling syok sendiri baca blog peribadi berulang kali dan ketawa seorang diri. AHAHA.

April is the most hectic month for me so far. super tough, super challenging. berasa adventurous kerana banyak menguruskan pekerjaan yang memerlukan kemahiran multi-tasking level sepuluh. aku punya skill baru level tiga. jadi, bayangkan je lah cemana. benda due minggu depan, hari ni hari Khamis aku masih terkial-kial. dasar level tiga T_T.

aku semakin jarang bertemu adik-adik muridku (bukan anak-anak OK. iols is muda remaja kweng3x). budak-budak selalu tanya miss pergi mana miss pergi mana. kengkadang tak retilah nak jawab. sebabnya bila kita jawab nanti lagi banyak lagi banyak lagi banyak soalan pelik yang keluar. lepas tu mula lah nak stress sebab tak reti nak jawab soalan budak. lepas tu suruh budak diam. lepas tu rasa berdosa sebab suruh budak tu diam. tuudiaaa konflik jiwa paling kronik dalam dunia.

malas nak explain pepanjang. just so you know, kerja cikgu bukan mengajar sahaja. ibaratnya, kau gabung semua pekerjaan dalam dunia ni...itulah kerja cikgu. manakan nak melayan yang jatuh luka sebab berhambat dengan rakan, nak melayan yang merajuk rajuk sebab kawan taknak kawan (duhhh), nak hias kelas supaya persekitaran belajar menjadi kondusif, nak buat minit mesyuarat, nak buat surat, nak latih budak main bola bagi sekolah menang dan guru besar berbangga, et cetera et cetera.  

haaaa terpanjang pulak siap satu perenggan HAHAHAHA.

budak nak periksa lagi 2 minggu, budak nak pergi bertanding minggu depan, surat permohonan bantuan, keceriaan kelas, hari sukan yada yada yada. OK sekarang mana satu aku nak buat dulu ni. bebenda macam ni lah yang buat aku peninggggggg.

dah sampai tahap budak kelas aku ( Tahun 2 ) mengadu kenapa geng dia belum dapat alas meja sedangkan aku janji 2 minggu semua dapat alas meja. bulan Februari aku pasang alas meja untuk dua kumpulan je, lagi empat kumpulan meja gitu je lah hendaknya. aku cakap 2 MINGGU then semua orang punya meja jadi cantik.

tapi sekarang dah bulan April, meja 4 kumpulan masih kekal begitu hendaknya. alas meja 2 group yang aku pasang awal-awal dulu pulak dah siap mengoyakkan diri sendiri dah AHAHAHAHA.

nampak dah level multi-tasking aku kan? EPIC FAIL.

OK kena setelkan video sekarang. kemain bercita-cita tinggi nak masuk pertandingan bagi persembahan tergempak. doakan kejayaan weols OK.

by the way, I am officially off the market. teehee.


Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Hello March - the awesome beginning

....because this month began with this person's birthday! *letup letup belon lalu terpekik-pekik kerana dasar penakut belon*

I sent my birthday speech to her on Facebook. because it's the current trend. no more SMS with fancy images where you need to scroll all the way to the bottom just to get the message. I remembered my olden days (when I was 19-21 yo), I tried not to sleep before the clock strikes 12.00 AM (on my birthday), waiting for fancy-birthday-wishes-SMS flooding my phone (not a smartphone-user yet 4 years ago). you know...it was a beautiful feeling getting all those SMSes. like...I won an award or something.

but hey these days almost everyone use smartphones (look at mine.feel like throwing it away.but no money to buy other phone.so I need to survive with this guy for at least another year.so shhhhh.)

YES. semua orang ado smartphones yo. kengkadang ado duo. kengkadang ado satu tapi bosar godabak haa. internet toksah cakaplah.

hei kenapa tetiba berbicara mengenai teknologi?

balik semula. YES it was her birthday, my partner-in-crime FAREHA if you didn't know her name. right now, she's in JB and I'm here in KL. jarak memisahkan namun teknologi menyatukan. She's my business-partner, my bestfriend, my soul sister, and my eating-partner because we love foods so much tapi aku je yang gemok entah kenapa.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, dear Fareha. Be strong, stay awesome.

foto zaman muda-mudi di kala lemak belum berani bersemuka secara berjemaah

p/s: dear March, please be kind to me...with all the workloads. help me survive, please. plus handling the kids is getting tougher. give me superpowers.

and please....

help me burn my fats.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Dunia di hujung jari : 4R photo printing


This is going to be a quick post. Just sharing, who knows I might help someone today :) 

I am a busy person. Kinda. Kadang-kadang BANYAK perkara tertangguh secara melampau. Well, bila kita bertangguh, kerja tu makin lama makin menimbunlah ye tak? Aku memang suka tangguh kerja. Buat kerja bila rasa cam ada mood je. Bila takde mood, ianya samada menghadap RunningMan ataupun Return of The Superman ataupun Projek Memikat Suami ataupun melayari internet secara random. Masalahnya, aku ni kerapkali takde mood nak buat kerja. Teruk gila la perangai. 

Sampai satu masa, emak tanya pasal gambar. 'Dah print ke belum gambar tahun lepas?' Haaaaaa ko nampak tak kat situ. Gambar tahun lepas kot aku tak print print lagi. Daaaaaaasssaaaaaaarrrrr. 

'Belum, mak.' Lalu rasa bersalah. Aku ni dah la tak berkenan nak pergi memana sesorang. Takut woi. Dunia sekarang mana selamat dah. Kalau nak print, kena pergi kedai gambar, lepas balik sekolah. The nearest shop might be at Tesco Selayang. Argh tensi betol. Kat Jalan Ipoh memangle ada tapi aku kalau dah drive sorang mana nampak apa-apa dah. Takde masa sambil drive sambil cari kedai. Memang confirm tercium bumper kereta orang nanti. Kalau cium Myvi takpe wei, buatnya tercium Audi? Terduduk akak tengah jalan tu taknak bangun dah terus buat buat pengsan. 

OK pasal nak print gambar. Lalu, aku pun dengan bijak pandai aku google la. Print gambar 4R online. Awalnya aku rasa cam mustahil je. Kalau masa dekat NZ dulu, aku memang semua benda online.tu yang tak sedar duit habis tu HAHAHA. So aku google, jumpa la satu website ni. 


Company kat Penang. Aku godek godek website dia. Harga sungguh berpatutan siap ada voucher new year lagi. Hei siapa tak suka voucher? Pasti menjimatkan. YESSSSsSsSS found it!

Cara cara nak print sungguh senang sungguh mudah cik puan semua. Klik klik klik dah siap. Ada manual lengkap dengan instructions yang jelas. Sedangkan aku yang noob ni pun berjaya apatah lagi anda anda yang bijak pandai di luar sana. Aku print dalam 140 pcs 4R cuma bayar RM40 sahaja. Irresistable!! 

So siapa siapa yang rasa malas nak pergi print gambar 4R kat kedai macam aku, ataupun takut keluar sesorang macam aku HAHA, bolehlah layari lawan web GREECO VENTURE dan upload foto foto anda yang vavavommmm ituuuu. Postage pun cepat. Dalam 4 hari dah sampai. Efficient!

Ini testimoni pelanggan ya. Bukan paid ads. HAHA. Toksah pelik la kenapa aku bersungguh sangat rekemen benda ni, takde dapat apa pun. Cuma insyaAllah perkongsian ini mungkin dapat tolong siapa siapa yang ada masalah ketakutan macam aku HAHA. 

Till then, 
Peminat foto.

Friday, February 7, 2014

biskut coklat plastik kuning


Assalamualaikum. Hello. Everyone. Err whoever reading this right now...Hi.

tak tahu macam mana nak mula. hurm. OK. sekarang ini tak rasa macam ada 24 jam sehari. rasa macam terlampau melampau sekejap. pup pap pup pap dah malam. OMG. manakan tidak, keluar kerja pukul 7 pagi. balik rumah pukul 5.15 petang. hey bukankah cikgu biasa balik awal? TIDAK SEMESTINYA.

walaupun begitu, aku suka kerja begini. bercampur gaul dengan kanak-kanak yang sungguh menceriakan dan gemar membuat aku ketawa melampau dengan lawak kering tahap umur mereka. aku ni sudahlah seorang pengketawa dahsyat dalam dunia.

sekarang, mereka mendambakan Chipsmore kepunyaan guru mereka yang satu ini. entah kenapa. Chipsmore je padahal. serta-merta jadi budiman, berbudi bahasa dan gentleman tahap sepuluh semata-mata mahukan biskut coklat yang satu ini.YA biskut coklat kepunyaan aku ini. yang aku beli kat Tesco, bawa dari rumah, simpan dalam laci meja sebagai breakfast setiap pagi (sebab selalu tak sempat breakfast kat kantin). CHIPSMORE HAZELNUT PLASTIK KUNING .

sudahnya?Chipsmore yang aku baru bawa semalam kononnya nak buat bekal seminggu DAH HABIS. habis sebab bagi reward dekat kanak-kanak atas perbuatan baik mereka. ganjaran kerana berkelakuan baik dan budiman terhadap guru, jadi guru harus bagi biskut.YA BISKUT YANG GURU PUNYA DALAM PLASTIK KUNING ITU.

'misssss nakkkk coooookieeeeeeeeee'

I just can't get over it.

Dear future Izzati, 
in 10 years, please tell the boys about this. And ask them to ganti your Chipsmore. Don't worry. They should have their own money by then. They should be 20 years old, 10 years from now.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Freak Out

I was in the middle of the classroom, answering all sorts of questions from FORTY 8-years-old kids around me. Luckily, I managed to calm everyone down.

Kid D : Teacher, what is your son's name?
Me : Sorry honey what did you said?
Kid D : Your children. What are their names?
Me : Oh dear I don't have any child yet.
Kid D : Why teacher?
Me : I'm not married yet. See I'm not wearing any ring. (showing my pretty fingers)
Kid D : But why you are not married?
Me : Because I'm still young (smile).
Kid D : No you're not.
Me : *ketap gigi* I AM YOUNG.

Just so you know, we'll join the mid-twenties-club this year. THAT freaked me out.

My 8 years old kids are funny-peeps-with-cuteness-overloaded.
(1) They cannot differentiate numbers in ages just yet. On the very first day of school I asked them to guess my age. Tekaan yang diterima ialah melampaui batasan pemikiran.
99! (laughs)
18! (this made me smile HAHAHA)

(2) They are talking in high-pitched-voice. I am becoming one of them now. Oh gosh gosh gosh.

(3) They love me so much they like to smell me. YES. SMELL ME. Do I smell like lavender? PUHAHAHA.

Talking about getting married, one of my Y4 kids wrote PN. IZZATI on her book. I explained to everyone that I'm not married yet so they should write CIK IZZATI or MISS IZZATI on their books.

Then one boy asked me...

Boy : Miss tengah cari jodoh ke?
Me : Kenapenye. Nak carikan jodoh untuk saya ke?(jokingly)
Boy : Hmmm. Saya ada sepupu. (muka penuh pengharapan)
Me : *nganga*
Another Boy : Wei nanti Miss jadi kakak sepupu kau lah KEKEKEKE.
Me :*krik*krik*krik*krik*

the awkward moment.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

the most epic photo for last year


oleh kerana salah satu resolusi tahun 2014 adalah menjadi seorang manusia yang menyeronokkan, aku patut menaip sesuatu disini. hari ini. jadi aku ambil keputusan untuk menaip dengan kadar segera kerana aku perlu tidur sekarang kerana esok dah mula sekolah.


presenting, the most epic photo OF ME last year.

i tell you now please believe me THIS IS NOT ON PURPOSE. tidak disengajakan. kerana pada waktu dan ketika itu kami berposing secara pukal. foto diambil secara berterusan tanpa henti. and actually right at this moment, aku sedang mencadangkan the next pose yang kami patut buat sebagai koleksi. but things turn out unexpectedly.just so you know.

till then,
manusia seronok wannabe.

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