aku macam tak berapa mampu nak divide benda lain cerita lain hari, jadi aku combine semua, membentuk entri padat dan mampat seperti ini.seperti pepatah shopaholics (yang aku reka sendiri), membeli in bulk adalah lebih lemayannn.
untuk memudahkan acara, I'll use numbering (because I love numbers.wekk tipu)
1) Le Cinema
we (me,Fareha & Puan Seri) went to the cinema (to be more specific the TGV at JJ Tebrau City) ON SUNDAY.boleh tak tak sedor hari tu hari Ahad.kebanjiran manusia yang dahagakan hiburan (hiperbola much?HAHA).pening kepala nak pengsan sebab ramai sangat orang.barisan beratur nak beli tiket wayang hampir bersamaan panjang tembok besar China.tiket pula sudah banyak sold out.ohmygoodness!
walaupun demam The Avengers sedang melanda, kami mahu menonton Battleship sebab dengar khabar angin siapa tengok Battleship akan rasa nak kahwin dengan navy, jadi kami mahu check samada fakta itu sahih atau hanya mitos duniawi.plus, Puan Seri adalah peminat setia Rihanna.hewhew~
sampai dekat kaunter, secara tetibahh tiket Battleship pukul 2 petang dah SOLD OUT.ohmygaddd padahal dekat skrin besar tu belum tukar warna merah lagi kot.hampa tiga orang peminat navy.dan ini menyebabkan kami terpaksa membuat keputusan secara ekspres.The Avengers?NO?seat depan je tinggal?YES?NO?
YES.seat B kot.ce bayangkan.A depan sekali, B belakang A.tak ke patah leher lepas 2 jam lebih tengok wayang ye tak?

masalahnya tiket ni berbayar anddd front row?huhhh~
TAPI, The Avengers memang awesome wa cakap lu.hilang sakit leher walaupun mencangak tengok skrin besar depan mata.and I loveeeeeee Iron Man.so cheeky~!

2) Girlfriends
this week, we spent lots of time together.me,Fareha,Puan Seri (Aten), Farhanis and Ema.went out to try Tutti Frutti for the first time, together.and at the end we decided that Tutti Frutti is not really preferable to be on the list of our social activity in terms of its price.we prefer Nasi Ambang Mat Corner and Cendol sebelah Giant Extra more.HAHA.
Tutti Frutti story written by Puan Seri, click HERE.
this is our final year of degree, so next year we are going to be apart.sobs.
mari berdoa agar kita semua dapat posting sama negeri.but I'm not sure about Farhanis since she only wrote Perak as her preference :P
3) Busy weekend
This weekend, I had two photo-shoots done.(1)Pre-Wedding (2) Family portraiture.didn't get much sleep and rest so I decided to stay on bed until 11AM this morning HAHA (thank Allah we don't have class today).I almost fainted because I had formal dinner at 8.30pm and just came back from shooting at 7.45pm on Friday.
yesterday (Sunday), me and Fareha were sweating like crazy.running here and there to finish up everything in one hour because the sun became hotter.Alhamdulillah we finished shooting in one hour plus.on our way back to college, it was raining HEAVILY.habis basah kuyup.
next semester gonna be tough for FA.IZ Photography.but insyaAllah we will survive.
This weekend, I had two photo-shoots done.(1)Pre-Wedding (2) Family portraiture.didn't get much sleep and rest so I decided to stay on bed until 11AM this morning HAHA (thank Allah we don't have class today).I almost fainted because I had formal dinner at 8.30pm and just came back from shooting at 7.45pm on Friday.
yesterday (Sunday), me and Fareha were sweating like crazy.running here and there to finish up everything in one hour because the sun became hotter.Alhamdulillah we finished shooting in one hour plus.on our way back to college, it was raining HEAVILY.habis basah kuyup.
next semester gonna be tough for FA.IZ Photography.but insyaAllah we will survive.
till then.
I'm not sure when I'm gonna write this long again.but new entries will come up, with photos and works done by FA.IZ Photography :)
so take care everyone and thank you for reading!
before I forget, Hello new followers :D
dah lama tak singgah sini! wahhh betul-betul dah jadi photographer dah sekarang ye :)
hari2 dijalani oleh wanita bekerjaya. bizi woooo..
me love Rihanna,please arrange urself for battleship sblm xde lg kt cinema huuuu
saya singgah sini dan follow.
@dye.yana: hai pengantin hiks.Alhamdulillah rezeki :)
@Asada: katenyeeeee HAHA
@Puan Seri: yes boss~!
@johari: terima kasih :)
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