p/s: jumpa kata-kata ni dekat status Dinie 'Irfan si kawan SHAH Pekan yang duduk dekat Russia.aku copy sini ye Dinie :)
“When you attack black people, they call it racism.
When you attack Jewish people, they call it anti-semetism. When you
attack women, they call it sexism. When you attack homosexuality, they
call it intolerance. When you attack your country, they call it
treason. When you attack a religious sect, they call it hate speech.
But when you attack the Prophet (peace be upon him), they want to call
it freedom of speech.”
panas ke tak?ok dah pegi buat assignment.
“When you attack black people, they call it racism.
When you attack Jewish people, they call it anti-semetism. When you
attack women, they call it sexism. When you attack homosexuality, they
call it intolerance. When you attack your country, they call it
treason. When you attack a religious sect, they call it hate speech.
But when you attack the Prophet (peace be upon him), they want to call
it freedom of speech.”
panas ke tak?ok dah pegi buat assignment.
salam sizuka.
seronoknya pengalaman...
petikan kata-kata dr blog kawan tu kakchik sukalah.
:)dari status facebook dia.sizuka copy.hehe
waa...aku bkn peminat kartun.
tpi, this one, really turns me on.
what to do?watching disney on ice in NZ so much more better than in m'sia kan...
so much better kot.sebab ape?
1)kalo dkt Msia agak2 die bt ktne eh?genting ke?ak pun xtau.rse2 pnh dgr kt S'pore je ade kot.ngeee
2)agak2 harge bape?ak rse smpai ratusan ringgit kot.ktorg msuk cni $30 je.ngeeee
hehe.tu je la kot.better ke?better ckit la kot sbb ktorg pegi tiket sponsor.hakhak~
sbb sponsor!!~
disney on ice.. besh nyer kalo ada owg nk sponser kan.. hehe..
salam junior =P
nice blog
salam senior.mekaseh mekaseh.
igtkan g gigs td...hehehe...comel topi mickey tu..^_^
eh eh.haha.bukan gigs lah.tak penah pegi gigs tau:P
kalu naurah n farouk tgk kakak sizuka nie tentu dia jeles...mrk brdua tu minat sgt kt mickey n mini mouse tu...hi.
hehe.takpe takpe.nanti kakak sizuka uploadkan video untuk naurah dgn farouk dekat facebook eh:)
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