Happy Mother's Day mum
You're the BEST MOTHER in the world :)

Thank you for taking care of me from this 'small' :P
(okay please don't misunderstood...the baby is me and the girl in yellow shirt is my cousin)

this 'adorable' girl of yours...

until the 'small' baby become this 'big' lady :D

yes.I am taller and people always misunderstood me as my mum's younger sister.
(means that my mum is 'awet muda')

my pretty,wonderful,lovely and charming mother :)
dear mum, your daughter is doing quite well here...and yes she's missing you a lot :')

love you mum :)

I love you both and missing you always
ur mom is soooooooo beautful!!! =))
dan post ini sgt sweet =)
hehe..like mother like daughter..hakhak~
a'ah..ur mum sgt cantik..~~
tp the phrase "like mother like daughter"..erm..kejap..nak fikir betul ke tak..hukhukhuk..
xdela..betul la tu..hehe..best betul la mother's day ni..mcm pesta..semua org wish..dan semua org celebrate untuk mak2 sedunia..
haha..kejam kejam..like mother like daughter tu part 'lovely' je kot..yg gojes+charming+pretty tuh dpt kt adik i..hakhak..
btol btol..pesta wishes sedunia:))
sejuk perut ibu sizuka.......semoga ibu sizuka terus brbahagia n gembira dgn kejayaan anak sulungnya n akan menjadi perangsang kpd adik2.........
mak awak cantikla...:)
hhehehe.thanks.tetiba kan.wakil wakil :P
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