Sunday, March 11, 2012

Friday, March 9, 2012

the story of my big teddy bear

JIKA anda baru menemui blog ini secara tetiba, I bet you will have no idea about my big teddy bear.tapi dek kerana aku berasa terlebih nice hari ini *eceh*(padahal kebosanan kerana keseorangan di kamar dek penangan cuti sekolah telah bermula, semua orang balik hari ini but I'm such a loser sebab balik esok but I don't care biar lambat asal selamat), I'll introduce him, again.

oh for those who might know him, boleh baca ini untuk menggamit memori.*ewah*

he's so bigggg and fluffyyy (i'm describing a teddy bear, mind you).nice to be hugged and punched.menjadi protector di saat gadis menonton filem seram.dan peneman setia di kala winter.comel dan perkasa, yes?

sebelum beli, tidak pernah pula aku memikirkan strategi untuk membawa beliau pulang ke Msia (for him ianya adalah satu penghijrahan).because I never thought of it so there comes one big problem when October came.

we need to packed our stuffs to be shipped to wallah where should I put this guy huh?

not in the boxes.I'll waste $100 just for him to be in one box, all by himself.I have lots of stuffs so NO.

wonder what I did?

I brought him with me ON THE FLIGHT in seat for two huge creatures on Earth.people had eyes on him.I wonder what they thought about immature girlish girl with her big adorable teddy bear?

I don't care.because they just simply stared at us and smiled, no words came out from their mouths.tiada adegan annoying bercakap belakang padahal the person you talked about is obviously in front of your face.

the real drama started once I stepped into the aircraft, with my big fluffy teddy bear and my backpack.
you know once we step in we need to show our ticket for the seat right?well that happened.and the drama started, right after le me stepped into the aircraft with this teddy bear of mine.

I think everyone on the flight knew me.the girl with her big teddy bear.sometimes the flight attendants came just to tease me.hamagawd.I don't really know his main purpose and I don't our flight was at 1 something AM so I was sleepy and I need my power nap right away.

'beruang takleh makan tau.sebab dia tak bayar tiket.hehehe (sengih)'

you know, I stayed in NZ for two straight two years without the typical Malays' way of teasing.tak lupa pun, cuma terjarang this kind of sentence does annoyed me a bit, because I was sleepy.can't you see I wanna have my power nap and all of sudden you turned up just to tease me?

rasa nak baling beruang dekat orang masa tu jugak.tapi sebab mengantuk,I ignored have no time to talk, more time to sleep so go away.right after that, I put my teddy bear under the table in front of me so that no one can see him.and no one can tease me.puas hati.walhal sebenarnya bawah kaki memang dah cramp dengan other stuffs but who cares.

there was a moment beforehand.I was sleeping and hugging him (the teddy bear) when suddenly I felt someone was pulling the teddy's ears.OHMYGOSH ANOTHER DIE HARD FAN OF MY TEDDY!

IF I ever learn karate, I might karate-ing his arms.but I'm not because I don't learn karate.and he smiled weirdly at me.scarayyyy!

some people might saw this photo before.taken right after the flight landed (while I was waiting for my other luggages).

we walked out from the arrival hall when I heard a guy said...

'wah reramai ni dari mana?'
'Niu Zilen'
'ohhhh.takde souvenir untuk ABANG?'

OHMYGOSH ANOTHER CULTURE SHOCK.abang?like seriously?for middle-aged with minor but obvious wrinkles?

I'd rather talk to my big teddy.

bila ambil flight ke Kuantan petang tu, terserempak dengan seorang wanita cantik...

'eh ni adik yang flight dari Auckland pagi tadi kan?lambatnya flight balik.akak boleh teringat sebab cam teddy bear awak'

she was one of the flight attendants on my flight from Auckland

so yeah, I think almost everyone on board knew me as the girl with her big teddy bear


Thursday, March 8, 2012

Herbalife - hidup secara sihat, yes?

This is a paid advertisement.

actually IT'S NOT. I'm just helping my table-mate for his little business so here it is.
I don't wanna sound like some typical i'll try to be more...err relax?HAHA.

Assalamualaikum & Hello :)

semua orang nak kurus, yes?well obviously I'll raise my hand (both hands).TAPI untuk sesetengah orang (like me), losing weight is hard.bila turun sikit, esok naik pulak turun naik turun naik.and the drama goes on.orang cakap, nak kurus kena disiplin.kurangkan makan, banyakkan exercise.well, nak jadi berdisiplin bukan senang.even nak datang kelas awal/on time pun

well for some others, mungkin ada yang nak tambah berat badan.orang lain bersusah nak kurus, dia pula hendak menambah berat.sungguh melawan arus pembangunan lemak.but hey, different people different views.different people different goals.gituh bermadah kan.

all in all, the most important thing is to be healthy with good nutrition for your body *ayat buku*.maka hari ini, anda bersama pakar kecantikan dan kesihatan[?] terunggul di alam buana *angkat kening pegang pensel*

so, to all guys and girls who're dying to lose weight/gain some weight and be healthy, I present to you...

My sister- before taking herbalife weight management programme, she was 3 kg overweight only but had a 31 waist. after undergoing the programme for 2 months she succeed in losing the extra 3 kgs and reduced her waistline down to 26. she was then reduced again to 25 and have maintain the appearance for almost 9 months now..

Just imagine!
You'll be happier with a new you.
Achieve a healthier and younger-looking appearance.
It's not a dream-this can be you.
Our Weight Management Programs will help you through.
Just call or email me now!

Manage your weight, look good, feel great
while earning a good income!
Sounds too good to be true?
Call or email for some no-obligation information now!

phone: +60167077289

ini testimonial (and promotion) daripada my table-mate.kakak dia guna herbalife for quite some time and tada!tada! pinggang sundah mengurus which is so WOW.I was amazed at first sebab dapat membayangkan diri sendiri mengurus secara tada!ohmygoddearfatspleasegoawaynow.

he's using Herbalife too for maintaining a good health.oh terlupa, his name is Alex.bujang, kacak dan terpromote dia pulak.HAHA!

by the way, I didn't take Herbalife, yet.kerana poketku mengempiskan diri sendiri secara radikal.jika punya isi, insyaAllah I want to try.oh ya kepada yang curious tentang status Herbalife, read here.Credits to Lynnaiza :)

photo to be uploaded later.

p/s: kena bertabah pergi jogging buat masa sekarang.tapi asyik hujan je ni.patah semangat.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012


source: Facebook

manis melampau
boleh diabetes kalau tiap hari sayang macam gini

p/s: Oh Allah please give me a beautiful daughter *cough*cough*likeme*cough*cough*.
more than one pun ok.rezeki jangan ditolak, yes?

oh kahwin pun belum.cita-cita menggunung Everest dia ni.

in future, once I have a daughter insyaAllah, I want to take a photo of her dressing exactly like the baby girl in this photo (even the tricycle too).

let's see who will be the most adorable baby on Earth.
*angkat kening*

Monday, March 5, 2012

FA.IZ Photography - About Us

Two female who are passionate about camera and pretty pictures.
FA.IZ Photography is the combination of our names.

At the moment we are doing wedding photography, just started this year so we are still newbies in this arena *sila beri tunjuk ajar*. However, we are more than happy to do family portraiture, personal portraiture, pre-wedding, post-wedding, graduations...(and you name it)

Fareha is from Terengganu and Izzati is from Pahang (both from Pantai Timur).but that doesn't mean that we can't go around Malaysia to take wedding photos.We're kinda flexible in terms of your wedding location because we love to travel and adventures!yay!At the moment, our location is Johor Bahru (because we're studying here). Just simply tell your wedding date and location so that we can sort things out for you :)

How much?
Tell us what you need and we will give our best price.
Example (roughly):
RM300-RM350 for unlimited photos+editing+FREE Outdoor Photoshoot (on the same day as the ceremony) + DVD
Price is still negotiable because we want to fulfil your needs and budget.
*There will be other charges : transportation/albums/print-out photos/frame+large print/sticky album/custom album based on your needs.

For Bookings & Enquiries:
or you can just contact us through Facebook
Fareha Noor
K-z Izzati Azhar

Copyright 2012 FA.IZ Photography

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Fara+Hanafi|The Reception|12022012|JB

Copyright 2012 FA.IZ Photography
For booking, please refer to the tab above under 'Wedding Photography'

In April, we will come out with the list of wedding packages offered by FA.IZ Photography. Currently, we are doing wedding photography based on customer's needs and budget. If you have tight budget and looking for wedding photographers, do contact us now and we will try to give you the best price. Our wedding photography service comes with FREE Outdoor Photoshoot right after the ceremony.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Air Terjun Kota Tinggi


JB asyik hujan semenjak dua menjak ni.semenjak dua menjak ini juga, aku berasa rajin dalam hati nak turun padang berjogging.tapi setiap kali nak pakai kasut sukan, hujan turun.terbantut niat di hati apakan daya.terus cabut kasut and you know what happen next.

internet juga tidak berkelakuan baik semenjak dua menjak ini.ada satu hari tu aku tak tahulah laptop berkelakuan pelik atau wifi yang terlalu fussy.tak boleh online guna internet connection katanya.pakai handphone boleh pulak.nampak sangat sengaja kat situ.bila guna handphone, muncul masalah dunia kedua.terlalu kecil dan rumit untuk insan berjari gabak macam aku.

minggu ni agak menceriakan untuk pelajar tahun akhir.tiada assignment perlu disubmit.maka kami merasakan bahawa kami perlu reward diri sendiri dengan aktiviti yang mengujakan.


i'm lovin' it.bab main air, kau serah dekat kitorang.semua gila main air.


google pasal air terjun ni.tengok orang review.ada yang cakap mahal, banyak kena bayar et cetera.sebab air terjun ni paling dekat dengan JB, maka hati pun meredhoi wang yang berterbangan.

RM7.50 entrance fee (an adult)
RM3.00 for a car
RM5.00 for camera[?]

terkujat jugak bila tengok ada fee untuk bawak masuk kamera.FYI, I did bring my camera.tapi bila tengok senarai harga camtu, terus simpan kamera dalam beg.musnah berkecai impian nak camwhore di pinggir air terjun.ewah.

makanya, berlakulah peristiwa kebergantungan terhadap kamera 3 megapixels daripada telefon bimbit tajaan LG.oklah daripada tak ada langsung.tapi sebenarnya bila dah masuk air tu memang tak ambik kisah pasal gambar pun.terlalu sibuk berkuak lentang HAHA.

main air is fun.duduk dekat bawah air terjun yang menderu[?] juga fun.berenang dikelilingi ikan yang menggigit[?] juga fun.banyak yang fun.cuma part yang tak berapa fun tu, tahu je lah kan.

(1)sejak bila pulak air terjun jadi tempat mencari jodoh pun aku tak tahu.(2)drama romantis ala-ala hindustan ialah wujud.jadi, selamatkan diri anda dari angkara syampu Sunsilk jika anda ternampak pengunjung yang mengendong syampu siap dengan berus gigi.jauhi.

in tshirts and track bottoms.tak tahulah nampak bebudak sangat ke apanya.berani betul bebudak high-school zaman sekarang.mengorat je kerjanya ya.

from the view of 3MP handphone camera

Ditaja oleh Choki Choki, Cokelat Pasta, the ultimate happiness for your hungry tummy.

p/s: kalau Puan Seri ada, mesti lagi best.mungkin lain kali boleh pergi lagi :)

longlai seluruh badan.moga moga ada lemak terbakar.puh puh.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Happy birthday dear partner in crime

May all your wishes come true :)

Been writing about your birthday for years now,so hopefully I can still write about your next 10 or 20 birthdays if this blog is still here.

Lets enjoy the last bits of being students!

Sorry if I ever hurt you.sometimes I might be crazy.I think you know my moods swing by itself crazily.

But still...

I love you,girl.

Happy birthday and live a sweet life.

Xoxo gossip girl (hissing sounds)

Published with Blogger-droid v2.0.1

forever favourite.innocent sangat dedua :'D

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

NZ Souvenirs - UPDATE

ATTENTION : this post is related to the previous post about NZ Souvenirs for sale in October 2011.

dah lama kan?but what to do. I thought the post office could perform their job perfectly, but what to say.

All items were sent in November 2011 from Gambang Post Office, Pahang DM.

I sent emails to the awesome people who booked the souvenirs to get feedback whether they had received the items or not. I got few replies but not all.

the awesome people who booked the souvenirs, I know you are the blog readers, still reading but maybe others don't want to read this blog anymore sebab dah tak best macam

PLEASE contact me as soon as possible if you haven't received your souvenirs. kerana saya diselubungi rasa bersalah jika barang tidak sampai ke tangan anda.and for those who haven't pay, please do so ;)

hal hutang piutang ni saya tak berapa berani nak main-main.boleh bawa kemudaratan di masa depan.kalau yang bebarang tak sampai tu/saya ada hutang dengan dia, PLEASE contact me.

Thank you.

p/s: wonder kemana menghilang fridge magnet and other stuffs.takkan posmen ambik?

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

me love to eat

Assalamualaikum :)

These few days I only managed to post some short entries and bulk of wedding photos. One of the main reasons is I have no idea what to write about. I REALLY want to make another tutorial/whatever useful for me and you *eceh* but it takes more time. And me as a final year student, me no have much time.

whatever it is, I'm glad that my proposal *bukan wedding proposal's my FYP proposal* was accepted. satu perkara selesai, ada lagi banyakkkkk belum selesai.tamat oral presentation, here comes the 2000 words written report.habis gugur rambut.then we need to conduct the research.for us, our topic must be based on Malaysian primary school context.pergi sekolah, conduct research and give out questionnaires.masuk kelas dan tetiba murid panggil 'kakak' instead of 'teacher' or 'cikgu'.auwww berasa rambut tumbuh balik.

I feel so young oh yeah yeah.HAHA.

for us (specifically me and Fareha), WE LOVE TO seriously.although I keep saying 'nak kurus','nak buang lemak', 'nak slim' whatever whatever, we loveeeeeeeeeee to eat.we love foods and foods love

In my case, makin stress makin banyak makan. sooo, you might understand what I'm trying to say.

Final year --> stress --> foods --> fats [?]

kalau dulu masa dekat NZ, kedai makanan halal takdelah banyak there is no variety of foods.nak makan luar pun mahal, jadinya sebagai pelajar kelas ekonomi kenalah tunjuk skill memasak di dapur.

back in JB, tak boleh memasak dalam asrama.skill memasak sekarang kena simpan dalam hati you can say HEY to kedai mamak dan medan selera.kitorang sekarang ni kerjanya mengira berapa jumlah kedai makan dekat JB.makin berselera, makin panjang langkahnya.makin panjang langkahnya, makin banyak keluar ongkosnya.cakap je nak makan apa, kita carik sama-sama.

bak kata pepatah, bersatu teguh bercerai tak dapat makan dekat tempat best.

untuk orang sekitar JB/ada yang nak melancong ke JB *eceh*, Iols nak rekemen kedai ni dekat Uols.

alamat tak sempat google.yang pastinya dekat dengan Danga Bay dan Taman Merdeka tempat jogging yang awesome itu.

kalau makan dekat sini, boleh feeling feeling cantik macam Mariam dalam Pontianak Harum Sundal Malam yo.tempat dia sungguh klasik.ada pokok pokok dan pondok.sebagai insan dramatis, kami duduk dekat pondok. dengan alunan lagu tradisional melayu, sekali sekala meremang jugak bulu roma TAPI jangan duk tak hengat cerita hantu asrama ke abende.tersilap haribulan, ada yang terjerit atas pondok restoren orang.cerita pasal Fahrin Ahmad takpe.wawawawa~

makanan pun best.seronok sangat makan sambil bersila.sopan santun anak dara makan dekat pondok.tapi pondok tu ada sebijik siapa cepat dia dapat.

tempat dia macam gelap-tak-berapa-nak-cerah gitu.kalau duduk dekat pondok, lampu warna kuning.kalau duduk dekat meja biasa memang cerah je.untuk manusia silau macam aku, dinasihatkan jangan terkejut tak memasal.sebelah pondok tu ada mini hall untuk small event kot.gelap sebab tak ada orang guna malam tu.aku memang duk menghadap mini hall tu.tengah syok makan tetiba aku macam ternampak bayang orang dalam tu tau.berderau jugak jantung tetiba.bila tengok lama-lama...

lahhh.reflection Fareha rupanya.dia duduk betul betul dpan aku.jadi nampak reflection dia dekat cermin tu.cumanya reflection dia tak berapa jelas lah tapinya.aku punya cuak takyah bayang ah.sampai berhenti makan kot HAHA.

motto hari ni: makan is my passion.muahahaha~

Monday, February 27, 2012

Girls VS Boys

Source: Facebook

Girls --> perfect multi-tasking


p/s: sorry boys.talking is our passion.

wow kedengaran sungguh cool.HAHA.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Fara+Hanafi|The Solemnization|11Feb12|JB

Copyright 2012 FA.IZ Photography

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Wordless Wednesday : remos

Hi. I'm Datin *.I love remos and red lipstick.


Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Fatimatul + Taufik|Majlis Bertandang|04Feb12|JB

Fatimatul + Taufik
Majlis Bertandang
04 Februari 2012
Johor Bahru

All photos are copyright reserved by FA.IZ Photography.
We are honoured to capture your precious moments.

Weddings, engagements, graduations, outdoor photo-shoot, pre-wedding, post-wedding, family potraiture etc.
Contact us:
Fareha [][Facebook: Fareha Noor]
Izzati [][Facebook: K-z Izzati Azhar]

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Fara+Hanafi|The Solemnization [Teaser]

sibuk melampau dek penangan final year

gambar tak siap.assignment pun tak siap.*pengsan*

yang menyebabkan pengurangan aktiviti sosial di dunia maya


kepada geng final year sekalian, ganbatte!

p/s: tak cukup masa menaip karangan untuk blog.masih adakah yang rindu?pulakkkkkkk.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012


Final Year...

no time to play around

photo : credits to google + me *because I paste my head on the photo*

look's ma head with weird facial expression and...glasses.but the body is not mine, obviously.takkanlah aku selangsing itu.

well, mari berdoa agar aku cepat langsing.

duhhh sempat pulak kan.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

kerja kahwin [FA.IZ Photography]

I just came back from another wedding, so it's like two weddings in a row.last week and this week.cuma minggu lalu itu majlis bertandang, minggu ini pula majlis perkahwinan yang benar.


bukan minggu lalu punya perkahwinan tidak benar, cuma minggu ini punya majlis perkahwinan adalah pakej lengkap.dari majlis akad nikah sehingga majlis the feeling is real bagi si gadis bujang berkamera.

yang juga membawa kepenatan jitu dalam pakej lengkap.

majlis bertandang pada minggu lalu hanya menyebabkan pembakaran lemak 2 kilogram.minggu ini punya pembakaran lemak mencatat rekod baru iaitu 10 kilogram.

okay sebenarnya tak ada pembakaran lemak berlaku.

cuma penatnya ialah tak terkata.but we love this job :)

the trademark of FA.IZ Photography

sengaja tak letak gambar lain.supaya kamu stay tune.kihkih.

p/s: jangan marah haaa.siapa marah cepat tua LOL.kalau nak awet muda, senyum :)

FA.IZ Photography - Weddings, Engagement, 'Majlis Bertandang', Outdoor Photoshoot, Pre-Wedding, Post-wedding, Birthdays, Graduations and many more!

For booking:

Fareha -
Izzati -

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Android - Apps for travelling

Assalamualaikum & Hey yo to all Android-maniacs :)

siapa suka travel?(saya!).who loves to travel?(me!)tum apke kon he?(kau cakap apa ni)

I love travelling.travelling is fun.travelling is good.because you get to see the other side of the world.oh yeah did I just wrote this?WOW.

back to the main point, berita baik untuk pengguna Android sekalian!saya telah TERjumpa satu apps yang sungguh berfaedah untuk pengguna seperti kita semua.lebih berfaedah kepada pengguna Android yang gila travel macam saya teeeheee.

actually, semalam saya melawat Pasar Android secara virtual *Android Market*.mengusha apps baru yang mungkin boleh dimuat turun kedalam telefon kesayangan.terlalu banyak sehingga rambang mata *duhh*.

lalu saya berfikiran secara logik, find something that can be useful to you.jadi, seperti harimau bintang menerusuk [?] ke akal fikiran, tourist guide~!

and I found, this.

this apps is so cool.ada bermacam bahasa dan disertakan few guides and sentences that we can use with the locals just in case we need their help.kalau tak reti sebut, jangan terlalu bimbang.boleh install voice instruction pula.begitu mudah!

French, Spanish, Portugese, Hindi [eh bukan dah pro ke HAHA], Korean, Japanese, and lots more.memang sungguh berfaedah untuk siapa-siapa yang suka travel around the world.

and it's free.jadi mari cepat-cepat download ia secara berjemaah :D

kepada si-kaki-gila-travel, hi-5!

p/s: my travel diary.merancang untuk ke negara-negara yang tidak menggunakan English secara berleluasa.Korea atau Jepun mungkin?which is why, I freakin' love this apps :D

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

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