oh for those who might know him, boleh baca ini untuk menggamit memori.*ewah*
he's so bigggg and fluffyyy (i'm describing a teddy bear, mind you).nice to be hugged and punched.menjadi protector di saat gadis menonton filem seram.dan peneman setia di kala winter.comel dan perkasa, yes?
sebelum beli, tidak pernah pula aku memikirkan strategi untuk membawa beliau pulang ke Msia (for him ianya adalah satu penghijrahan).because I never thought of it so there comes one big problem when October came.
we need to packed our stuffs to be shipped to Malaysia.so wallah where should I put this guy huh?
not in the boxes.I'll waste $100 just for him to be in one box, all by himself.I have lots of stuffs so NO.
wonder what I did?
I brought him with me ON THE FLIGHT in November.one seat for two huge creatures on Earth.people had eyes on him.I wonder what they thought about me.an immature girlish girl with her big adorable teddy bear?
I don't care.because they just simply stared at us and smiled, no words came out from their mouths.tiada adegan annoying bercakap belakang padahal the person you talked about is obviously in front of your face.
the real drama started once I stepped into the aircraft, with my big fluffy teddy bear and my backpack.
you know once we step in we need to show our ticket for the seat right?well that happened.and the drama started, right after le me stepped into the aircraft with this teddy bear of mine.
I think everyone on the flight knew me.the girl with her big teddy bear.sometimes the flight attendants came just to tease me.hamagawd.I don't really know his main purpose and I don't care.plus our flight was at 1 something AM so I was sleepy and I need my power nap right away.
'beruang takleh makan tau.sebab dia tak bayar tiket.hehehe (sengih)'
you know, I stayed in NZ for two straight years.so two years without the typical Malays' way of teasing.tak lupa pun, cuma terjarang dengar.so this kind of sentence does annoyed me a bit, because I was sleepy.can't you see I wanna have my power nap and all of sudden you turned up just to tease me?
rasa nak baling beruang dekat orang masa tu jugak.tapi sebab mengantuk,I ignored him.me have no time to talk, more time to sleep so go away.right after that, I put my teddy bear under the table in front of me so that no one can see him.and no one can tease me.puas hati.walhal sebenarnya bawah kaki memang dah cramp dengan other stuffs but who cares.
there was a moment beforehand.I was sleeping and hugging him (the teddy bear) when suddenly I felt someone was pulling the teddy's ears.OHMYGOSH ANOTHER DIE HARD FAN OF MY TEDDY!
IF I ever learn karate, I might karate-ing his arms.but I'm not because I don't learn karate.and he smiled weirdly at me.scarayyyy!
some people might saw this photo before.taken right after the flight landed (while I was waiting for my other luggages).
we walked out from the arrival hall when I heard a guy said...
'wah reramai ni dari mana?'
'Niu Zilen'
'ohhhh.takde souvenir untuk ABANG?'
OHMYGOSH ANOTHER CULTURE SHOCK.abang?like seriously?for middle-aged with minor but obvious wrinkles?

I'd rather talk to my big teddy.
bila ambil flight ke Kuantan petang tu, terserempak dengan seorang wanita cantik...
'eh ni adik yang flight dari Auckland pagi tadi kan?lambatnya flight balik.akak boleh teringat sebab cam teddy bear awak'
she was one of the flight attendants on my flight from Auckland
so yeah, I think almost everyone on board knew me as the girl with her big teddy bear
mesti time tu kamu keliahatan sangat cute...dgn teddy bear tu.. :)
org2 yg mengusik tu jakun..ye la dia takde teddy bear.. :)
entahlah nabilah.padahal dah tua kot nak nampak cute HAHAHAHA.
tak tahu purposenya.itu yg keliru lol.
comelnya story ni. takpela, atleast femes kan. bila lagi nak dikenali ramai kan? HAHAHA.
simpan teddy bear tu utk jadikan kenangan..kalau izzati nk tau akak ada simpan teddy bear sebesar tu hadiah besday dr mama akak masa drjah 6 tu..smpai skrg masih elok....bygkan!!!
@nizam: comel katanya HAHA.famous kerana teddy bear.wallah~:D
@kak nza: wahhhhh salute!:D
besar betol !! sendat di situ.. haha...
HAHAHAHA katanya the huge creatures on Earth :P
agak2nya if teddy bear aku yg tu lpas tak eh.hadui
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