Thursday, October 23, 2014

The Happy Hormones

After getting married, I can say that my life is much more better compared to the olden days. I become much happier. Bukanlah selama ini saya ini manusia grumpy, gembira juga. Tapi sekarang lebih lebih happy, entahlah. Happiness-Overloaded? Cuma tidaklah sehyper dahulu kala. Tika bergelar bujangan (ewah), kalau kau bikin perangai gila pun siapalah ambil kisah terutama apabila kawan-kawan kau semuanya gila-gila. Boleh berkecoh-kecoh di Restoran Tomyam macam tak pernah makan sedap selama hidupnya di alam dunia. Boleh ketawa secara kuat-kuat dan mengetuk meja (you know who you are) dan bertepuk tangan ketika menceritakan kisah yang tidak boleh dihadam usus perut.

Now, life is so different. Living with a handsome guy (come on, suami sendiri kena pujilah tak gitu), coping with his habits (and him coping with mine), cooking and doing house chores. The thing about cooking is, I wasn't born as a cook. I don't know much about cooking. Tahu memasak tapi tidaklah terer sampai boleh impress orang. My friends knowwwww how lazy I was. There must be reasons if they saw me in the kitchen, cooking. 

'Kau ni buang tabiat ke apa ni'
'OH MY GOSH she is in the kitchen and cooking what on earth is happening??'

For me, if there's people who want to do it, do it. I won't bother. Because I can eat almost everything. I have this inner conflict - I'm afraid people can't eat my food (the food I cook). What if people don't like it? What if the food is not delicious? What if...all sorts of nonsense questions. Such a psycho HAHAHAHAHA. 

Now, it's me or my husband. But more likely it's me for cooking. Husband is more to dish-washing (he volunteered for that thank you husband I love you more). 

The thing about The Happy Hormones is I think that I'm no longer a stressful person (compared to life-before-getting-married). There are stressful times (at school ugh) but not as much as before. I'm getting better in handling my emotions since I have complicated mood-swing. 

Life is tough since this year I'm handling 8-years-old (39 of them in the class!). I shouted a lot, got angry most of the time. But I found myself much calmer after the wedding. The kids gave me lots of lovely wedding presents (I even got a cartoon pencil case with spongebob note book!). They asked how the wedding goes, how handsome my husband is, my new house and of course the most popular questions of all - When they will get to see my baby. Ada yang cakap my first baby will be a boy, then baru a girl. Ada yang nak girl dulu, then baru boy. Hey Hey Hey kiddos sejak bilakah kamu menjadi ahli nujum negara? 

Alhamdullillah I'm truly blessed with my life now, and hoping, praying for better life with husband in future. Alhamdulillah Thank You Allah for everything :)

Will try to blog about the wedding as soon as possible teehee.

Take care awesome people!


Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Officially a married woman

Alhamdulillah, i'm officially married to K. May Allah bless the marriage and guide us on the right path towards Jannah.

Alhamdulillah, thank you Allah. 


Monday, September 8, 2014

Might be the last post before I get married

Today is 8th September 2014. Now is 10.24 PM. I'm sitting in the living room of the house that I'm sharing with the girls for almost a year. 

I'm getting married in 6 days. It's so unbelievable to me I can't believe I'm getting married in 6 days. I'm getting married to the coolest guy I've met almost 6 years ago. I'm getting married to the guy who is always with me through thick and thin, through rain and sunshine (ewah). 

Seriously I don't think I look like one-bride-to-be. Bukankah bakal pengantin seharusnya mempunyai keserian terselah and all? I have a pimple on my face, right under my nose, on the right side of my face. And I have 5 days to shooshh this away. *poke poke poke*

Tomorrow is my last day at school. I'm taking 3 days off for the wedding. Distributed the wedding cards to my kids today. Being 8 years old, they were SUPER excited about the wedding of their favourite teacher *flip tudung*. The girls asked me about the theme, the colours and all. They keep telling me that they will try hard to ask their parents to come to my wedding and jumped around me so much asking about so many things. Also, they kept telling me that I will be the prettiest bride ever. THAT made me smiled to ears HAHAHA.

Well, the boys asked me how K looks like. Is he handsome? Is he tall? Is he fat or skinny? Well boys, I'll post his photo on Facebook after the wedding. Just wait ok. 

Today, a teacher said to me,'Hari esok last lah guna CIK kat sekolah. Balik cuti nanti dah PUAN dah hehehe.' I just smiled with loads of files in my hands. So many things to be settled before I can go off freely tomorrow. Phew phew. 

I have no superpower, so I shall declare that this MIGHT be my last post before the wedding. I will be off the cyber world right after I step out of my car in front of my house at Pahang. So, wish me luck everyone. Hopefully Allah will ease everything and the wedding will go smoothly as planned insyaAllah. 

Right at this moment, I would like to wish Good Luck and All The Best to ALL UPSR 2014 candidates. Keep Calm and Dont Rush. My youngest brother is also in the same battle as you kids. Fighting! InsyaAllah everything will goes well :) 

Tuesday, August 26, 2014



Photos were taken on Sunday. Went to Ikea and filled up K's car boot. I went to GM Klang with Amalina today to buy few things as the grand finale; as she's also looking and surveying stuffs for her upcoming event (yayness!). Got few things checked and yeah. Going back home this weekend to meet my loved ones and sit down for final banquet discussion. My darling cousins volunteered to sponsor the goodies, so I guess there's nothing to worry about. 

However, Mum said there is a battle between my two aunts: the 'bunga telur' sponsorship - who's going to sponsor the eggs? Both of them wants it. 

I feel like retis right now. *flip tudung* 

Friday, August 22, 2014


22/8/2014 - Semoga roh mangsa-mangsa tragedi MH17 dirahmati dan diletakkan di kalangan orang-orang yang beriman. Al-Fatihah. 
Ucapan takziah kepada keluarga dan sanak-saudara mangsa. 

Tertinggal 3 hari punya post. Kemanakah pergi semangat berblog yang muncul minggu lalu? Sudahkah pudar? Tidak pudar, cuma tenagaku yang kian pudar. Kanak-kanak menghadapi peperiksaan, aku yang gundah gulana. Setiba kertas exam depan mata, berpinar mata. Apakah yang dikau tulis ini wahai anak? 

Aku pening menghadap kertas. Pening bagaimana hendak memberi markah. Tekakku rasa berpasir, bahana brainwash kanak-kanak sebelum peperiksaan kononnya mengharap keputusan gemilang. Bahasa senang : aku diserang gatal tekak. Tidak sakit, cuma gatal. Tidak selesa. Suara bak halilintar masih ada, cuma diselang batuk dan serak sekali sekala. 

Aku berasa bahang keputusan yang merudum. Jadi, aku tidak mengharap. Tak mengapalah, hanya ujian formatif. Bagi markah rendah pun tak apa. Kasi can bertaubat. Tiada markah kasihan. 

Sudahlah penat mengawal disiplin ketika berhimpun, berlegar-legar di kantin memujuk kanak-kanak yang menangis bahana gurauan rakan pula. Kerja begini memang bermacam-macam. Ada ketika aku jadi polis, ada ketika aku jadi baby sitter. Esok, aku kena pergi tunjuk muka. Ada program Tahun 6. K akan setel rumah sendirian. Bersabarlah, sayang. (Ewah) 

Lampu di rumah sewa bujang kami berkedip-kedip. Sedang melayan ketampanan Zill Faezrul, lampu beraksi lip lap lip lap. Sungguh tidak menyenangkan. Wireman datang check tapi tiada apa. Motip sangat. 

Penceritaan aku berbaur rojak; bercampur-aduk. Pohon diabaikan. Tak lama dah nak kahwin, perlu kah aku belajar buat rojak? (Tetiba) 
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