I was...
in one wonderful land...
called Roxburgh, at the centre of Otago
the blow of fresh breeze upon gigantic mountains
the sounds of pure water running from the heart of Clutha River
melt the heart in silence
It is a land...
where sheep, cows, rabbits, and hedgehogs
are almost everywhere
It is a land...
where the clouds and stars are among the most beautiful in the world
It is a peaceful land, a wonderland
Inside...there's a feeling...
that can't be described by words
because the heart knows best
these eyes...
are the best camera of mine
where the photos are treasured inside the heart
even the best DSLR camera
can't beat the power of these Allah's creation
In this wonderful land...
I met wonderful people, remarkable people
who gave me a wonderful memories to remember
Here I was...
in one wonderful land on earth
And I'll go...
back to where I am
to 'The Concrete Jungle' said John
I'll be back
One more time, and hopefully few more times
to this land of gold
p/s: I'm on my way back to Auckland~!
Semoga slmt sampai ke Auckland Izzati..
semoga selmt sampai ke sane..dan..cantiknya tmpt =_=
Panas! Valentine Days Vs Maulidur Rasul??
ni puisi ke lagu ke seloka ke ape siz?hakhakhak
@prince halilintar: alhamdulillah selamat sampai.thanks prince:)
@mr.tn.sky: dh selamat smpai.hehe thanks :)
@silah: SAJAK.hahaha~
even the best DSLR camera
can't beat the power of these Allah's creation
agungnya kuasa Allah.
btw, nice poems u'd created:)
thanks fifiey :)
haha..yela tu sajak.ke mmg btol2 sajak?ngeeee
mmg cantik sgt2 pemandangan kt sana..tenang n damai....
cantik kan sis.indahnya ciptaan Allah :)
subhanallah..this is awesome ok;))
heeeeee.super-awesome punya tempat~
yup..seriously cantik!!:))
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